Sunday, December 26, 2004

We are OK - Update

Tsunami Update
Kara and I have made it back to Qatar safely. We left Sri Lanka two days early because the rest of our trip was on the beach and as the news indicated it wasn't the best place to stay. In a way I felt like I was leaving a sinking ship but then I figured having our driver showing us the sites of Sri Lanka would be the best use of anybody's time. He told us this morning that he lost 10 friends so far that he knows of. It's hard to describe the swing in emotion I saw in the past few days. He's working today simply because there are a thousand other people ready to take his job if he doesn't do what his boss asks of him.

In case you heard about the sunami that hit Sri Lanka and wondered if we were there the answer is yes an no. Yes we are in Sri Lanka and no we did not see it. It is a huge thing and so far I have been told over 4,000 people have died. Please pray for these people in this time. I have witnessed a huge transformation in the way everybody acts in a matter of hours. Imagine how you felt on 9/11 and they are feeling something similar.

I'll write more when I get back I just wanted eveybody to know that we are OK.

Russell and Kara


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