Sunday, February 20, 2005

Dunes and the Beast

We took Phil to the dunes this past weekend and I took the beast out for the first time. I am happy to say that they both had a good time. The beast did a great job of making it up most of the dunes. Where it lacked in speed and momentum it made up in low gear 4x4 torque. There was one dune I tried to speed up a couple of times but could never do it. Each time I switched gears I lost too much speed. If I didn’t switch gears I couldn’t go fast enough either. So I slipped it into 4x4 low gear and the little engine that could crawled all the way to the top.

(Click the picture for a larger image)

Phil had a good time as well. When we came to the edge of the first dune he cautioned me to be careful because I was driving to close to the edge. The funny part was when we went over the edge. It’s funny because it looks like you are about to go off a cliff. When the nose finally hits the slope and you can see over the hood you realize it is just a gentle slide in the sand. Don’t get me wrong you can kill yourself if you are stupid but luckily my tolerance for adventure does not include any of those activities. The picture is after I got stuck in a sand bowl, then Anton got stuck pulling me out and then Zach pulled Anton out while he was pulling me out.

Good times good time.


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