Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Spinning a rhyme

Well after going to church tonight for some reason I was reminded of this piece I wrote a while ago. I searched through my backup hard drive and what do you know there it is. I wrote it over 5 years ago and showed it to a couple of friends but thought for some reason I would make it public tonight. No real reason but it just hit me. FYI, Kara and I were not dating at the time of this writing so keep that in mind when you read it.

Hope you like it

prodigal son

Just talking and thinking of back in the day, remembering games we used to play…

Talking about us being boys, and treating girls like they were toys…

Struggling hard feeling the drama here, last night toe up, too much, caused by fear…

What causes a brother to look for that high, its not even enough to help you get by…

It’s good for the moment then its gone, can't hit replay like with a song…

When its done you don't stay feeling good, like having candy instead of real food…

You had your choice of water to take, but you made another mistake…

In front of you sits all the joy ever known, instead we build our own worldly thrones…

Ones made of lust greed and cheap highs, but in the end you sit down and just want to cry…

Knowing the walls and idols we made, when he comes they'll do more then just fade…

They’ll be burned to ashes and rest in a pile, the only thing that could make our Lord smile…

Every dollar, every car, every girl on the side, they won't mean a thing just as empty as pride…

He gives us more then we could ever want, we just ignore where we're supposed to hunt…

Lord I thank you for I have sinned, your forgiveness is worth more then whiskey and gin…

More then jobs and the girls I look for, more then every opportunity that has walked out the door…

Lord I love you more then I can say, and every time I sin it pains me in that way…

To know your love and sacrifice, and I just treat it like the roll of the dice…

Down on my knees with my heart open wide, Lord I pray you crush this foolish pride…

Keep me solid and keep me real, keep me reminded you are stronger then steel…

I'm the prodigal son that has been so far away, yet you love me and ask me to stay…

Ragged and unworthy no more then a peasant, I only want to hear well done good and faithful servant…

To know I did your will and not my own, to know I'll kneel before your thrown…

I end this prayer asking to be strong, and the next time we talk not to be long…

Lord give me strength for the troubles I hit, Lord let me know what actions will fit…

We struggle and fight for what we think we should have, but in the end we deserve less then a half…

With you on my side I will never fall, but the first step is for me to make the call…

So I go to bed thinking of friends and my fam, resting in that you will meet me where I am…

Whether on my knees in the front pew, or passed out on a worn bar stool…

Your love is that large your love is that strong, I just don't know why it has taken me this long.


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