Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Qatar Aggie Muster and Stuff

Aggie Muster

As did tens of thousands of other Aggies I celebrated Aggie Muster this past April 21st. For those not familiar with the tradition muster is the time of year when Aggies get together, tell good bull stories and remember fellow Aggies who died in the past year. They are remembered by having their names called out and a friend or classmate answering here for them. This was the second time Muster was celebrated on the Qatar campus and it turned out to be an enjoyable event. I was asked to call out the names and was happy to accept the honor. The muster speaker was Dr. Curtis Farmer. His family has lived in Texas literally from its declaration of independence from Mexico. He gave everybody in the room a brief history of Texas and how the mentality of the state relates to the ceremony of Muster that we were celebrating.

From what I hear last year the students were cautious about celebrating it because they thought it might be some religious ceremony. I guess even those who haven’t heard the jokes about A&M being a cult gets the impression from time to time. This year was different and the students were happy to participate. One of them played a keyboard while I read the names and the rest that were present lit candles for the 21 names that were called. It was decided that we would call the names of all the current students who had passed away and the names of the soldiers killed in action while in Iraq.

For more information visit:


Its an amazing website. Whoever worked on it must be a genius. :)

Car Woes

This blog really isn’t intended to be a listing of mishaps that I’ve had while here in Qatar it just seems that way. Well I think the beast has had it and if it hasn’t I don’t care. I’m rolling it off a cliff. Well if there was a cliff around here I would send it off of it. I have resigned to fix it one more time and put it up for sale. I don’t know what triggered this, maybe the rattling / burning engine, who knows. It has oil in it, but I don’t think it is making it to where it needs to go. I’m having my trusty mechanic guy work on it and I will then put it up for sale.

In the mean time I thought I was going to be the owner of an almost new ’04 Lancer with a 1.3 liter engine. That reads as a reliable safe car with a small motor that isn’t going to turn any heads. About 12 hours before the purchase I was called and told it was no longer for sale because the price of new cars has gone up since the value of the dollar has dropped. I never thought the falling dollar would affect me but it looks like it just did. No big deal, I’m just going to have to do some hurry up offense on finding a replacement this weekend.


I have just finished listening to two pretty interesting books. The first one was "1984" written by George Orwell. It has some pretty interesting ideas that rival any conspiracy theory I've come across. The premise of the book is that we are all being watched by Big Brother. There are three classes in the books society, Inner Party (The puppet masters), The Party (The enforcers) and the mindless drones (remaining 85% of Society). The inner party gives the orders, while the party carry's out the orders and the mindless drones just do whatever makes them happy. This usually includes killing themselves with gambling and drugs or other cheap tools that keeps them from reaching self awareness. Everybody listens to Big Brother because if they don't they will be killed. Anybody who appears to go against the party will be killed. So I thought it was going to be the usual story of corrupt power taking advantage of the little man for their monetary benefit. The twist that made you sick was the idea that big brother did this not for some cash payoff but power was the payoff. Big brother had the ability to create a society that would raise the quality of life for all of its citizens but chose to rule them by fear in order to keep control of the power. Their ultimate goal wasn't to create a better society but only to keep the power. Their methods were focused on having submission as the end not just a means to it. The most consistent way submission was coerced from the public was by war propaganda. They had to do X because it was for the good of the nation and it would help them beat whoever they were at war with.

It reminds me of real life scenarios that you see in countries all over the world. How many people just listen to what the news tells them and trust that it is not being controlled. If not the news what about their religious leaders or simple rumors that are spread. It creates an environment of fear where conformity is the best option on an individual basis but the worse option for the society. I haven't seen anything as bad as what was in the book but the book is fiction after all.

I really can't do justice to this book in a couple of paragraphs so if you would like to read more here are a few links

Cliff Notes

Information from Amazon

I'll talk about Dirk Gentry's Holistic Detective Agency next time.

And in other less depressing news

Qatar's Robot Camel Jockeys

Why do nerds confuse Halloween and Christmas? Because OCT31=DEC25.

Blogs from Iraq, just random ones I came across



If you don't pay your phone bill in Doha

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

How do I get myself into these situations?

So it’s been a while since I wrote something. This has mostly been for the fact that life has been the same as usual without too many distractions. Actually that’s something I have found to be the most interesting. My schedule has gotten to the breaking point where actually don’t have any free time except for one day a week when I’m to dazed to enjoy it. Everything just wants one or two nights a week but when you add it all up you don’t have any time to yourself. Oh well, my Arabic classes will be done soon. At least until when the next session starts.

Neurology … oh, I though you said Neurotic

For those who do not know I have a mild case of ADD (attention deficit disorder). This causes me to lose focus and can affect my ability to get things done. I decided to start getting treatment for it a while ago and have been taking a drug called Concerta. It wasn’t anything revolutionary but it did take the edge off of my ADD just enough for me to get my work done. About a month ago I ran out of my wonder drug and for some reason I keep forgetting to call the doctor to make an appointment for a prescription refill. That’s the irony in the condition, you don’t get a prescription refill because you forget, you forget because you don’t get your prescription refilled. It’s a vicious cycle. I called the local hospital a couple of times to work on this and when I could get through they would ask me to call back later. I was like Noooo, it took me two weeks to remember to make this call. So this is when I decided to drive to Hamad (the local hospital) and make and appointment myself.

On my way there I knew it would be a series of misunderstandings before I got anything that I needed. And is if they knew what I was thinking the first person pointed me to the psychiatric department but they had no idea where it was. Just in the general direction of another place I was unfamiliar with. So I decided I would go find it and after a couple of calls I made it to the “Medical Center” or better known as the floor above the Jaguar show room. It had a nice big sign on the outside declaring this was the place for sexual dysfunction and psychiatry needs. Man I hope nobody sees me going in here. I look around and after asking for the medical center and I was pointed towards the stairs. At this point I realized that I was spending my lunch on a wild goose chase that presently had my climbing a dark stairwell to Doha’s center for the sexually dysfunctional. That’s when I asked myself “How do I get into these situations?” I went into the clinic and talked to what looked to be the receptionist and she told me that their psychiatrist only comes once a month and asked if I wanted to make an appointment. After reviewing in my mind the steps I took to get here I thought it might be possible that I made a mistake somewhere along the way. I told her no, and called the Hamad Psychiatry department again. After being asked to call back on a different number I got more concrete directions which included turning off the paved road, drive around the vacant old hospital and you’ll see our building. Hot Dog, I can’t wait.

So I trudged along with these very useful directions and found myself in Doha’s psychiatric ward. I was seated in the waiting room with several guys who were mentally disturbed and I kept wondering to myself “how, how do I do it?” I managed to make it from my somewhat nice office to an old shack looking to score some Concerta. Talent that’s how. While I was sitting there this guy sat next to me where is traditional garb and just stared at me. Once or twice he said “I love you” but that was it. Yeah, didn’t know how to answer that one. With in about an hour a nurse took me to a waiting room to see what I needed. They were very confused I didn’t have a referral and wanted to know why I just walked in. After I told them my objective they said I needed to go back to Hamad and go to the Neurology department. Excellent. So I wasted three hours but I got to see another side of Doha.
I went by there this morning and wasn’t able to make an appointment because their computers were down. I was however was able to call them and make one later in the day. It won’t be until May so I wonder if I should have just gone to the sexual dysfunction place instead.

I got my iPod Woo Hoo

A big thanks to all those who contributed to the iPod fund this past Christmas. I finally got mine a few weeks ago. After the initial frustration that any new tech object gives me, I am now enjoying it. At first I learned that they are only formatted for Macs unless you plug it into a PC via a fire wire port that to my knowledge most PCs do not have. I scrounged up an adapter and was good to go. I then had a bum USB cable that caused a lot of frustration. Once I got a new one I was somewhat happy. I then learned I had to convert all my WMA files to MP3s or MAC compatible ones. No big deal, I opted for the MP3s because despite them being bigger in size (meaning I can put fewer on my iPod) I refuse to use any MAC proprietary formats. I sold out to Bill Gates and the Microsoft beast years ago, I’m not going back now. The issue here is iTunes (the software used to interact with the iPod) only offered to convert them to their format.

Well after looking around the web I found what I needed. I went from a product I had to buy, to a work around to that product and finally to one that I could get for free. In the end 3 hours of effort saved me $20. Not quite sure if it was worth it, but I wasn’t doing anything else that afternoon anyways.

So now I have my brand spanking new iPod I decided that I needed to download some books from Audible.com. I apparently forgot how to read when I was commuting from Conroe to College Station last year so now I listen to all of my books. Well here we go again with the whole proprietary format thing. I found out after downloading my first book that it comes in one big file. So if I pause in the middle of “War and Peace” I’m going to have to use the nifty click wheel and my memory to get back my original spot. Well I’m not a big fan of getting carpel tunnel syndrome in my thumb (can you do that) so I went through the same routine as I did for the last piece of software and found that the free one did the job again. I found a toy that let me put it in my favorite MP3 format and splice it up for your easier listening pleasure. For those who are interested go to goldwave.com I love those guys.

And in other News

One of the wealthiest nations in the world (Qatar) had decided to focus it’s inept police force from poorly directing traffic to preventing it’s most impoverished class of citizens (expats from India and East Asia) from making a phone call home.


I think it’s “interesting” how they refer to them as low paid expats in the same breath that they condemn them for using these cheaper services.

One last note

I found out about maps.google.com just recently and this is cool. It might be that I live 8,000 miles away from TX but being able to see my old high school track gives my a warm fuzzy.

My old neighborhood


My parents house (On the corner, in the center)


My old high school


Texas A&M


The quad
