Saturday, January 07, 2006

Good job sips

So I watched the Texas – USC game this past Thursday (Doha time). It was kind of like the presidential election, I didn’t know who I wanted to win until I started seeing the score. My mind wanted t.u. to lose while my heart wanted a Texas team to beat the California school. Well in the end my heart won and I celebrated when Vince Young ran for the final touchdown. One thing that impressed me about t.u.’s quarterback was the amount of self-control he had. After making what he should have known was the winning touchdown of the National Championship game he simply moved on to the next play. He didn’t fly around the in zone screaming how great he was. Good onto him, and good onto Texas.

I don’t know when my view of t.u. softened some. One of the people watching the game said that her class of 50 dad would have never gone for Texas. He would have cheered against them even if they were playing Russia. I think it was probably the game after Bonfire fell and the Texas band gave a tribute to A&M. It was one of the classiest things I’ve ever seen. After then I went from my two favorite teams being A&M and whoever is playing t.u. to just A&M. So that’s enough of that.

Russell Lindell Fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2001

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


So I got an email this morning from my mom telling me she was worried. That made me a little worried. I read it and it turns out this website that you are looking at right now got hacked. It wasn’t nuked and all my data became unrecoverable but the main page was replaced with a nice political message from some individuals in Turkey against the war in Iraq. There’s nothing quite so humbling as an IT professional being notified by his mom that he got hacked. Son, when did you become a member of VatanHack and are you still going to put the pictures of Doha back up?

If you would like to see the front page that was posted click here. I should be mad that they did this but this was like when I got into a small car accident in high school. It was enough to knock some sense into me but it didn’t cause permanent damage. My only question is why me. Should I feel proud my site is hack worthy. Probably not. Even though the blog does reach number 5 on the google scale and is on the second page for “Qatar Blog”. Seriously though, who looks up qatar blogs. I wonder if they randomly came across my blog and it looked like a good target and the fact that I live in the Middle East was just a coincidence. Either way VatanHack 1 0.

On another note when I was looking to see where my page ranked I found this site which looked somewhat interesting.