Thursday, May 24, 2007


You might have noticed the little box to the left labeled "What am I doing..." It's another Big Brother tool for me to publicize my thoughts. I’m using a tool from Twitter that allows me to Text / SMS a message from my phone and it will make it’s way to my website. The limit / gimmick is your message can only be 140 characters. Not sure why since the limit on an SMS is 160. The term microblogging is starting to be the new buzz word to describe this. MS Word’s spell checker doesn’t recognize it yet but I imagine it will by the next edition. I’m actually pretty intrigued by the idea. I did 4 posts in 24 hours. It allows me to say stuff like “Hey, walking to work is fun and why do people insist on bugging you on an airplane when it’s obvious you just want to read your magazine?” Just whip out the phone, send a text and keep on wondering about the people around me. We’ll see how long it lasts


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