Saturday, August 27, 2005

Who's your daddy?

So I know I’m supposed to finish or start writing something about the trip that Kara and I took to Europe a month ago but I’ve been busy. Real busy. As soon as I got back I had a couple of deadlines I had to make and because making those deadlines will help ensure that I get to go back to Europe another time I opted to make those my priority.

A lot has happened between then and now. Some small and some big things. The small being that Kara and I have gone past our 1 year mark for living in Qatar. Now any time we say last year it will refer to a time that we were living in our new home. We are now asked for advice on how to live here, and the new batch of newbies emphasizes the fact that our freshman year is over. It was a lot like my freshman year as a student. I wonder if I will live here for as long as I was a student as well. Most likely yes, if not longer. I would like to think that I have some big words of advice but nope nothing. So will I have anything more to write about since I have lived here for over a year and have experienced all the seasons in this land? Well, speaking about seasons, Kara and I are about to enter a new one.

I guess this merits a new paragraph. About a week and a half ago Kara and I found out we were going to have a baby. I recommend a trip to Europe over fertility pills any day. It looks like we are going to have a souvenir from our two days in Paris if I had to make a guess. Conception isn’t really on my mind anymore, April 16th is the date that occupies my head the most. That is when Felix the fetus will be the third member of our little family. I’m excited and I can’t wait. Two years ago when I thought Kara was pregnant I freaked out and almost had a nervous breakdown, this time all the logistics are taken care of. The hunting, gathering and providing shelter is all there … now what. Now the there is the whole issue of actually raising a kid. Making sure they get the food they need, not too much. Be careful that they don’t hurt themselves, at least anything permanent. Is it wrong to think that it is OK if they fall down and you don’t pick them up? I want to make sure he or she knows I love them but want them to be their own person. How will I pass down my values without making them mandatory? Who knows, now I’m just trying to expand the shelter a little.

Kara and went to look at a new place that was perfect for the three of us. Of course now I’m thinking chances are we will have more then one child before we move back to the states. I’ll wait another year before I even try to say something definite about that though. So for now, woo hoo I’m going to be a papa.


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