Monday, October 17, 2005

Baby’s heartbeat

Kara and I just heard Felix’s heartbeat for the first time about 30 minutes ago. We saw him shift side to side and stretch his little toothpick arms and give us a big ol scary grin. Not to get too cliché but it was a surreal experience to actually see a form inside of Kara. It’s no longer a little sack of cells that’s simply doing something. It is actually taking a form. The heartbeat is about 140 bpm which makes it sound like he’s going to explode but the Dr. assured me that was normal. Give me 15 years, I’ll have it down to 50 resting. So all and all it was a very cool experience.

I’m actually experiencing the miracle of life (That’s the cliché phrase I was looking for). It’ll be 6 months before he crawls out but it is still a real living thing just sitting in side Kara. Woah. I’ll post the picture that was taken once I can wrestle it away from Kara long enough to get it to my scanner. I’m sure it will look like all the other ones everyone sees but this one will be mine and Kara’s. It’s a pretty heady feeling. It gives a new point to looking at all those baby clothes and early learning fuzzy gadgets.


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