William is Born!
William Edward Lindell was born on December 26, 2007 at 9:30AM GMT+3. He was 19.5" / 8ibs 2oz (50cm / 3.69Kg).
He was 3 weeks early and had problems with breathing and was placed in the NICU for almost two weeks. Today he came home to a very happy family. Below are some pictures and videos of William's 1st two weeks.
William Coming Home
William's 3rd Day
William's 2nd Day
William is born
He was 3 weeks early and had problems with breathing and was placed in the NICU for almost two weeks. Today he came home to a very happy family. Below are some pictures and videos of William's 1st two weeks.
William Coming Home
William's 3rd Day
William's 2nd Day
William is born