Doing well doing well
This past week or two has been pretty positive. I got my hard drive working and didn’t lose any important information. I bought the needed cables at a tech souq in central Doha. Souqs (pronounced sook) come from traditional tent markets that were setup when bedouins would come to town and trade sheep skins for super value meals. At least that’s what was said in the tourist brochure. Now it’s evolved into a bunch of brick and mortar shops with the same attitude. Shops with the same merchandise are all grouped together. None of the prices are final and you have to dig around to find what you want. When I went to buy some cables for my computer it was like looking inside Radio Shacks inventory closet. They are interesting and some fun to go to when you are playing tourist but I haven’t gotten to the point where I feel comfortable using them as a reliable place to buy things I really need.
Our boxes came as well. Initially this was somewhat of a traumatic experience. Mainly because they looked like the movers had already brought them upstairs, threw them out our 8th story window into the back of the flatbed truck they brought them in. Kara actually cried a little when she first saw them and I got somewhat upset myself. There is just something disconcerting about seeing one of your boxes that was a cube when it left look more like a sphere when it arrived. After all of this once we unpacked everything we were very pleasantly surprised that only a few things were broken and nothing of much significance. It’s amazing how your perspective of what’s good and bad change when you think all of your worldly possessions are crushed. Lessons learned here, if you are going to move like we did pack the really heavy stuff in small boxes. Use all of your clothes as padding and you should be OK. If you want to check the sturdiness of a box throw it down stairs and if it survives it has a good chance of making the trip.
Kara had a great week last week. She helped out at vacation bible school and made a lot of good friends. Talking to people with experience helps a lot with all the unknowns. She also got on the sub list for one of the schools that is located in education city. The pay is pretty good, about 3x as much as she earned in Bryan. Subbing will allow her a flexible schedule but still allow for extra money for fun stuff.
Look what I made in class today. Some of you know that I was making a Texas flag collage. Well I finished it, at least this version. I hope you like it.
Kara had a great week last week. She helped out at vacation bible school and made a lot of good friends. Talking to people with experience helps a lot with all the unknowns. She also got on the sub list for one of the schools that is located in education city. The pay is pretty good, about 3x as much as she earned in Bryan. Subbing will allow her a flexible schedule but still allow for extra money for fun stuff.
Look what I made in class today. Some of you know that I was making a Texas flag collage. Well I finished it, at least this version. I hope you like it.